Beautiful eyebrows make you look fresh and knowing how to tweeze your eyebrows make your eyes sparkle with life!
Lets first find the shape of your face ,and then the best eyebrows to frame that face. Think of your eyebrows like a picture frame , so obviously its a personal choice rather than 'one shape' for 'one face'.
Fashion too has influence on the look you are trying to achieve although once you know how to correctly how to tweeze your eyebrows, a little variation adds interest and uniqueness to your own personality.
So to your face shape Is it round ,square,long, heart-shaped or a combination of a couple...
Stand in front of the mirror with a tube of lipstick ( normal detergent will clean it off in seconds) or shaving foam after.
Keeping your eyes on your face in the mirror draw the shape you see. Doesn't have to be a perfect, now step back , whats that shape most like?
More in detail later,
How to pluck your eyebrows and enhance your individual face shape is now taking shape!
Lets first find the shape of your face ,and then the best eyebrows to frame that face. Think of your eyebrows like a picture frame , so obviously its a personal choice rather than 'one shape' for 'one face'.
Fashion too has influence on the look you are trying to achieve although once you know how to correctly how to tweeze your eyebrows, a little variation adds interest and uniqueness to your own personality.
So to your face shape Is it round ,square,long, heart-shaped or a combination of a couple...
Stand in front of the mirror with a tube of lipstick ( normal detergent will clean it off in seconds) or shaving foam after.
Keeping your eyes on your face in the mirror draw the shape you see. Doesn't have to be a perfect, now step back , whats that shape most like?
More in detail later,
How to pluck your eyebrows and enhance your individual face shape is now taking shape!
How to tweeze your eyebrows

How to tweeze your eyebrows
How to tweeze your eyebrows
Unfortunately the majority of us don't have the perfect shaped face in terms of what the fashion industry dictate ,but we can look fantastic ,sometimes even better with the right tools and the right know how!
Just like a good picture frame ,creating an illusion is more than halfway to capturing beautiful scenery.
As a guide ,if your hair is straight and your features refined ie slender nose ,smallish mouth ,then your eyebrows look best thin and refined too.
The thicker of more volume the hair and larger the face to allow thicker eyebrows...
How to tweeze your eyebrows
NEVER pluck above your natural eyebrow line ,for this is your natural eyebrow shape,therefore base-line.
Begin at the middle of your brow and work outwards. Grab the hair as close to the root as possible because it is thicker closer to the roots,a cleaner removal ,slowing down regrowth.
Always pluck in the direction the hair grows in. How to pluck those stray hairs between your brows ? Just tweeze them out, for pretty definition of two separate eye-brows.
Just like a good picture frame ,creating an illusion is more than halfway to capturing beautiful scenery.
As a guide ,if your hair is straight and your features refined ie slender nose ,smallish mouth ,then your eyebrows look best thin and refined too.
The thicker of more volume the hair and larger the face to allow thicker eyebrows...
How to tweeze your eyebrows
NEVER pluck above your natural eyebrow line ,for this is your natural eyebrow shape,therefore base-line.
Begin at the middle of your brow and work outwards. Grab the hair as close to the root as possible because it is thicker closer to the roots,a cleaner removal ,slowing down regrowth.
Always pluck in the direction the hair grows in. How to pluck those stray hairs between your brows ? Just tweeze them out, for pretty definition of two separate eye-brows.